Monday, February 2, 2009

Work at the School Begins

After another relaxing day on Sunday, Team One began work today at Holy Cross. The new computer lab and library are fabulous; the computer lab, with about 30 machines and a projector that can display lessons at the front of the room, is said to be the best at any school in Belize, if not Central America. All those who worked hard to fund it, build it and equip it can know that there time, talents and treasure have reaped large rewards.

Team members engaged in many different tasks, including setting up the library so that books can be checked out and catalogued in a systematic way, working on computer databases for the school, sorting school uniforms by size, seeing children needing some nursing attention, rebuilding a railing and beginning to add a soffit to a roof (roosting pidgeons not pleased), and having a "career hour" with Standard Six students.

After another rainy night, the day turned out to steadily get warmer so that those working outside could savor some of that Belizian sun. After a good day of work, Wayne found a new restaurant (Warugamu) where one (well, actually, all 12 of us) could dine on lobster wrapped in fresh tortillas and still stay under the spending limit.

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