Friday, February 10, 2012

Friday--Valentine's Fair

It has been mass chaos around here this morning as they had their annual Valentine's Fair Fundraiser. It's open to the community and there are all sorts of games, music, dancing, movies and just general festivity. Quite a number of our group got involved doing tattoos and games. Others worked on organizing the medical records for next week and finishing up the drawers.

We're heading out early....right after lunch as things have died around gone and nothing to be accomplished. Team 1 members need to do some last minute spending of Belize $$ and packing.

Team 2 is on the way and should arrive on the 4:30 water taxi about 6:00 then we'll all head to dinner at the Blue Water Grill and celebrate Clara's birthday.

Team 1 will head to Belize City on the 9:30 water taxi tomorrow morning after a wonderful week of work and fun at Holy Cross. The Team did a great job of adjusting and being flexible!! A great time was had by all!

Pictures for Fri-Sun and catchup on last weekend will appear next week as we can't connect to the internet at the hotel.

Thanks for remembering us in your prayers and following our time here.

See you Monday!

Pictures will follow on Monday unless

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